Monday, May 14, 2007

Suave was the last brand I developed before leaving Ogilvy. When I left, my colleagues were at the tail end of testing the strategy - that's the phase before creatives start really working, where they make sure the strategy's really going to make money. So I was excited to see the creative.

Even at the time it was only words on paper, we knew we had something really truthful because whenever we would review the strategy with moms inside Unilever (the client company who makes Suave), they would start crying. Because it hits a bittersweet nerve about motherhood: all of a sudden, you're dead last on the priority list, and it starts to show.

The strategy was "For all moms undergoing the joyous thrashing of early motherhood, Suave wants you to know: if you've let yourself go, you can get yourself back."

Even the copywriters couldn't beat it!


Anonymous said...

This is already airing up here, and I love it! I'm still at one of those in-between stages...
Yay, my sister is so awesome!

Anonymous said...

I saw this commercial last week, and thought it was awesome! I thought whomever had created it was brilliant! (I was right.)

Of course, my cynical side said "and shampoo is going to fix all my letting-go?" If it could work on baby belly too, they'd have a real winner there! But I loved the concept and the filming - they did enough different shots that it wasn't just 6 shots from before to after. LOVE IT!!!

Michelle Edelman said...

Well. Shampoo is really a first step. You do feel like a winner when you squeeze in a shower in those early baby days. One small step for you... one giant step for momkind... that kind of a thing. Doing the hair might lead to putting on a little eyeliner which might lead to having a salad for lunch instead of a pop tart... (or maybe that's just me?!)