Sunday, September 25, 2005

Becca, our 3 year old, may be little, but she really captured it all this morning.

I heard considerable noise coming from her room this morning (at 6:45 a.m. Preschoolers do not understand the concept of "weekend"), so I went to see what was going on. Becca was routing through her books.

She saw me and said, "We still move to Cantifordia?" (pronounced "can't afford ya")

"Yes," I said, wondering where this was all headed.

"Can I bring this book?" she asked. In her hand was a book that she swiped from her sister some months ago and is now claiming for her own.

"Becca," I told her in my best Reassuring Parent voice. "Of course you can bring that book. You can bring all of your things."

"I can bring this lamp?"


"I can bring this chair?"

Actually, we're going to sell that chair, it's a glider rocker that we used when the kids were babies. But she is testing me. What do I do? Where is Dr. Spock at 6:45 on Sunday?

"Yes you can bring that chair."

"I'm getting a SWIMPOOL. I want a straight one." (she makes hand gestures to show me straight, not curved)

"OK..." Note to self, straight pool. I also have to remember to move near a good hotel, as certain picky relatives have said they will not sleep out on the patio (read post 9/23). The list of requirements is mounting. I am getting a headache over my right eye.