Thursday, September 04, 2008
I have been spending my Saturdays at the ice skating rink.
Yes, you read that right. We moved to San Diego. SAN. DIEGO. It's sunny, like, 300+ days a year. There are 70 miles of beach. Some of which is 10 minutes from our house.
There are 2 ice skating rinks and both are far, far away.
Sarah has adopted ice skating as her sport of choice now. She was at a bit of a loss when we moved from Chicago and found there were no rhythmic gymnastic programs to be had. Because you can be outside year-round here, it's not as critical as it is in the Midwest for a kid to have "a sport" for sheer exercise purposes. The kids ride their bikes and scooters and go to the park and run around - still, Sarah missed having something she could call her own.
She found she was good at ice skating in camp and kept begging us to take her to the rink - and lo and behold, she actually IS good at it. It seems to require the same combination of grace and athleticism that rhythmics requires - only you don't have to throw shit up in the air and catch it while forming the letter Q with your body. (Which is hard. Not that ice skating isn't hard. But there's just not that much to keep track of unless you're doing couples and have to throw a PERSON in the air.)
So Sarah takes lessons every Saturday now and is begging me for a personal coach. Bah I guess we'll see. Of course with Sarah taking lessons, Becca wants to take lessons too. (She's not as talented, but doesnt' really mind falling a lot, so what's the difference.) And it's far. (did I mention?) So you leave the house at 11 and don't return till 3. There goes Saturday!

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