Wednesday, February 06, 2008
So last winter, Becca found cat sheers at a Hanukah gathering we attended and cut her hair and earned herself a mullet for the winter. This year we have a bob.
I am not sure why Becca wants to cut her hair in the winter. Don't people usually try to grow extra hair to keep warm?
She did this in school under the watchful eye of a substitute teacher, using safety scissors, after she turned her tights into leggings. Actually very fashion-forward, everyone agreed the leggings looked very hip. But this is not the point. The principal called to apologize that Becca was able to get so far in her self-styling. I suppose she expected me to be much more upset than I was.
(Before = what she did to herself. After = stylist helped us fix it)
"Yes momma."
"When you picked up the scissors, did you know that I would be angry that you cut your own hair? AGAIN?"
"Yes momma."
"Then WHY did you do it?!?"
"Because I wanted short hair."
And that's what she got, all right.
I CAN'T BELIEVE A TEACHER WATCHED HER DO THAT! Actually, the back looks pretty good.
I'm pretty sure the teacher wasn't paying attention. Happened in the classroom while the teacher was attending to other things perhaps. No excuse for it, which is probably why the principal called.
Are you going to take her to a hairdresser to fix it, or are you going to make her live with it?
Really, other than the bangs, it's pretty cute!
The after is after the hairdresser. The before is what she did to herself. There is no really fixing the bangs as she chopped them so short. but at least the sides are even and the back is a bob
Looks like the back left is longer...
Maybe Becca is trying to tell you that she doesn't like long hair hanging all over her neck and shoulders.
Yes I'm sure she is. But she should say it with her MOUTH and not just take matters into her own hands.
Oy, vey, Rebecca! There's "must see TV", then there's "must watch child"!
Reminds me of when Briana colored all over her leather sneakers...the tops, bottoms, laces...the whole shebang...and the teacher did not notice at all. I realize things get busy, but my recommendation to the teachers is to lay off the valium! Oy!
Thank goodness Becca looks cute no matter what! That cuteness continues to be a survival mechanism, huh?
Rationalizing what Becca is thinking is a exercise in frustration. When the term "thinking outside the box" is quoted, the definition should say "See Rebecca".
But what else would you expect from the World Healer?
Maybe the Whaley House ghosts told her to do it?
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