Saturday, February 16, 2008

Last night we took the kids to see Cirque du Soleil. I have never been - I suppose, like the Blue Man Group, I am just now catching up to things that were hot 10 years ago when I had a baby and dropped out of "cool" society to change diapers.

(was I ever really in "cool" society... this is another topic for another time)

Anyway, I have been kind of a sickie and had loaded up on meds beforehand and actually only had a bowl of soup and was feeling kind of sorry for myself because my head hurt soooo much during dinner...

So the Cirque, which is kind of odd to begin with, unfolded kind of like a Nyquil dream. In fact, it wasn't too far off from that dream I had in September (see September 07 post INTERPRETATIONS WELCOME), except with more spinning people and death.

Yes. Death! The theme for this production was about the process of dying, remembering one's life, and passing from one state to the next. Only the French could take the concept of a circus and make it about death.

Aside from reminding me that I really don't care for the French and that I was kinda sick, it really was a spectacle. The music was outstanding - meds/I only realized that it was live halfway through and it sounded so good and flawless that I really did think it was prerecorded. The kids were mesmerized by it... after intermission, Becca was flipped out and ecstatic to hear there was actually MORE coming! Sarah's favorite part was watching the female midget cast member float around the audience, as she was attached to some big balloons, and audience members got to bop her around like a beach ball while she giggled. YES IT IS like a Nyquil dream - and you have to again detest the French for forcing you to enjoy degrading midgets.

All in all, well spent. Though now I worry that Becca thinks it's a good idea to hang from a chandelier...


Anonymous said...

Zac loves to watch Cirque on YouTube. I think he'd be creeped out by floating midgets though (and by the way, they are now called "little people" - you missed that memo in the past ten years too I guess.)

Anonymous said...

Cirque...always fabulous, always way out. Some times the music is so strange that it is scary. Glad the children enjoyed it...hope you and Don had a good experience too. There is really no other entertainment like it.

Michelle Edelman said...

Little people. Yeah. That's right.