Saturday, December 15, 2007

So last week the whole 5th grade put on a Salute to America concert... it was associated with their History unit in which they are learning about states, state capitols, etc. It was great! Very well choreographed and the kids were really into it.

I was sort of having an out of body experience looking at the kids. Somehow we have these beings that aren't really kids anymore. And they are going through some sort of weird stage... some of them are lumpy and the others are stringy.

The Stringies look like someone took their 4th grade selves and put them on a stretching machine. The Lumpies look like they have developed toddler tummies and have little boob lumps... probably they are about to become Stringy because they are shorter.

Because Sarah's sort of Edelmany, she's a Lumpy. I would predict Becca as a future Stringy.

Anyway. Look at these children. They are big people! How did I get a big person in the house? She was just 5... wasn't she?