Thursday, December 13, 2007

Here's a bunch o' kid videos. Some nice holiday music for you.

This one's for you, Uncle Toddwee.

Here are the lyrics to Sarah's choir song... because you ARE going to want to sing it. Trust me.

Reindeer, workin' for The Claus. Love their hip hop just because.
Reindeer, flyin' in the air, love their hip hop everywhere.
Eight tiny reindeer - hey, that's a lot of feet!
Eight tiny reindeer - they love their hip hop beat!
Eight tiny reindeer - you have to see them move.
Eight tiny reindeer - they love their hip hop groove!


Anonymous said...

Another Edelman knows the 50 states in alphabetical order - I am SO proud!
Why didn't we get to jam out with choreography like they did?

Anonymous said...

Because this is California! Form over content! Hooray for Hollywood and all that rot!