Sunday, March 18, 2007

It was a boring Sunday. So we lit our house on fire to spice things up.

It was 50s and a little chilly so we thought a fire in the fireplace might be nice. Don put in a log and lit it like he always does. Only this time, smoke started billowing into the living room! Apparently it helps to open the flue... Don is usually great with anything mechanical, and for the first time since I have known him, got his wires crossed.

Much hopping around ensued. There was no choice but to get the blazing log out of the house. Don ran to get a bucket and grabbed the log with a towel, saying "Oh God, please don't let me set the house on fire!" As he ran outside with the flaming bucket, embers fell from the log onto the fireplace and we had some nice little flame spouts going.

I ran for the fire extinguisher - which we keep in the kitchen for when I get the urge to make omelets - and pulled out the pin. Shit! Why isn't anything happening? Don grabbed it and sprayed. Apparently it helps to push down on the huge honkin' button that says PUSH HERE.

And then the fire alarms started blaring. No fire guys showed up, which was disappointing to Becca, she thought she might have a reunion from her ambulance ride.

Everything's good now, except it smells like we had a barbecue inside the house.

Becca tells the highlights:


Anonymous said...

Dad would undoubtedly have the following (rather unhelpful) response to this story, which you now must make your daughters memorize:

A flea and a fly in a flue
Were caught, so what did they do?
Said the flea, "Let us fly!"
Said the fly, "Let us flee!"
And they flew through a flaw in the flue.

Anonymous said...

Oh, good grief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And to think I could have heard all of the commotion!

Anonymous said...

yo zada said...
Good story Becca,where u hopping around like your mom and dad were doing?

Becca I put a lot of faith in you to show mommy how to operate things such as the fire extinguisher, garbage disposal, locks and any other mechanical devise because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree --- I know, trust me!!

Anonymous said...

Dumb question - why didn't Don just open the flu and let the smoke escape and the fire continue? Works every time, I swear.....

Anonymous said...

Because Don thought the flu WAS open.

Michelle Edelman said...

By the time we figured out the flue was actually closed, it was too dangerous to reach up there and open it....