Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sarah was off for 2 weeks... the school has a fall break at the end of October/beginning of November. She spent the first week at Rock Climbing camp. She had tons of play dates, wore her Heelies everywhere, and read all of Charlotte's Web. She got sick with a cold and got over it. Was a princess for Halloween. And then we took off for a day at Disneyland.

I'm not sure what compelled us back to Disneyland after spending part of Easter break there. You would think we'd had enough of the over-happiness. But it was really fun because there were very few visitors. The longest line we stood in was maybe 15 minutes. So we saw a lot of attractions. And it was one of those beautiful, perfect Southern California days.

True to form, Sarah chickened out of nearly everything. She and I hung out near the exits of many a ride, while Don and Becca explored the inner sanctum. Becca even experienced Space Mountain, which can frighten adults. I asked Becca how she liked the ride, and she said, "Great. Only it made my face bend." And then proceeded to demonstrate g-force:

The kids encountered lots of Disney characters... these scared Becca significantly more than the rides. She finally stopped hiding behind me and started getting interested in the princesses.

One of the nicest things about Disneyland is the attention to detail, so that you get a surprise around some of the corners, no matter how often you go. They take such a huge amount of care with their brand. A good example is the strolling balloon guy at dinner. He made Becca an inflatable replica of Pluto on a leash, and Sarah a monkey with a banana on a tree! He had to have gone to some Balloon University for those skills.

And then Becca fell asleep in her spaghetti. Which was an added bonus. Now we are back to reality...