Monday, November 20, 2006

Becca and I went to The Walk to Save Darfur on Sunday, and beforehand we went and had a donut at VG's. VG's is an independent bakery, kind of like Krispy Kreme on steroids... Don claims he can actually feel his cholesterol rising as he eats them. Needless to say, they are gooooood.

At any rate, as I was driving to Balboa Park with Becca, I noticed that she was slumped over with her eyes open... I feared the worst and pulled over. She looked at me and shut her eyes... and that's when I realized, she was in a donut coma!

I think she went hyperglycemic for a short time... so what usually happens with a high dose of sugar (hyperactivity), actually sent her over the edge and made her drowsy. Trying to metabolize all that sugar took the rest of her brain out of commission.

Thankfully we then walked 3 miles and she drank a bunch of water, but it was crazy! I guess this is what happens when you weight 38 pounds.