Thursday, October 19, 2006
Oh hi there! I tell you, dahlings, this was the BEST night of my life. First, there were 5 firemen in my house. 5! All for me! Then they let me ride in the back of the ambulance and we didn't stop at any of the stoplights.
At the hospital, the nurses all made a big fuss over me, even though there were people waiting around with their guts hanging out. Who cares? I'm so cute. They gave me a stuffed bear.
And the best part, did you know they have an oxygen bar at this place! I LOVE CALIFORNIA! Whenever I started to feel sad or sleepy or coughy, I just took some good sniffs of the nice air from this little blue tube, and whammo. I'm so happy!
My dad took these pictures on his camera phone. Apparently you are not supposed to have your phone on in the hospital, and also taking pictures in the hospital is a little naughty, don't you think? Who cares! More O2!
Poor Becca! The Frederick family hopes you're feeling better! We're all sick right now, too. Gotta get more humidifyers at Wal Mart.... bye!
Yes I am nearly all better now. Every so often I cough and ask for ice cream. It seems to work!
I'll bet! Try it whenever you need a band-aid, too! Works over here! WE think you're getting ice cream because you're so cute though. You don't even need the cough. ;)
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