Saturday, October 07, 2006

Get a load of this:
No, it's not a wedding... it's something they have out here called Cotillion.

Kids in 5-12th grades go there to learn the Social Graces... etiquette, table manners, dancing, and dressing. It's all the rage among the moms out here and apparently it's only a couple blocks away from me.

I usually don't put links in the blog, but you just gotta see this. It's possible that next year, Sarah will actually ask me if she can go because all her friends are already talking about it/their big sisters are going. Seems more like Southern stuff than California.

I just think it's a little freaky. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of someone telling girls they shouldn't wear such bare dresses and boys that they should be pulling out girls' chairs. But in the 5th grade?!


Anonymous said...

Hey, that looks like a more refined and sleepy Sarah! (dancing with Wormser from Revenge of the Nerds)