Monday, October 02, 2006
Don went to pick up Becca at preschool. While he was signing her out and gathering her things, Becca hacked through the school's security, crossed the parking lot, found our car, got in, and strapped herself into her child safety seat. Meanwhile, a bunch of frantic adults searched for Becca inside the school. They were amazed that she had gotten through the security -- it's never happened before! They had to revise the exit protocol thanks to her. What a kid.
That's crazy!
One of the kids in the 2's class at the temple escaped the classroom without the teachers noticing, but luckily this was right after drop-off and his grandma was still gabbing in the hallway (he probably left because he heard her). We installed little door alarms on the classroom doors, so now if a kid escapes we know it! You might want to suggest that. You can get them at OneStepAhead. We bought ours on eBay.
This place has alarms, locks, and human guards. Somehow she had watched people do the alarm code enough that she knew it. The door was unlocked because it was drop-off time and the human guard must have had their back turned for a second. Sneaky little thing.
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