Wednesday, May 17, 2006
I rarely write about work, but I just have to share. I am interviewing a young guy (John) today and I googled him as I always do everyone I interview (to make sure he was not on 20:20 for drug trafficking or some such small thing that headhunters somehow don't manage to catch).
Well this guy had a myspace page so I read it. He has posts about... err um... Little John out there. So now I know more about this guy's private parts than his actual work. How will the interview go, you ask? I don't know. Hopefully I won't read about it tonight on his page.
Oh boy. How'd the interview go? It amazes me how stupid people are - do they really think that employers don't Google them?! -Ali
He was a nice guy. Maybe a little self-impressed, but a good person, and talented. Perhaps Little John gets more action in the virtual world than the real one. I am not sure he was embarrassed by my having read his myspace page. Funny. Perhaps I am now part of an electronic generation gap... it's okay to share nearly anything out there now.
I googled my name and found none of my perverted skeletons running around. I keep mine in the closet where commie fearing people of my generation keep such things!
To this guy's credit, I suppose you can't have your identity stolen if you simply give it away.
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