Monday, March 13, 2006

Well, the sellers of the house we were bidding on, pulled their home off the market! Apparently they just could not agree on how to respond to our offer, so they pulled their house off the market to duke it out. Crazy!


Anonymous said...

Shelley, you should contact the owners and give them a time frame, like two weeks or whatever you think is reasonable, that if they decide to put the house back up (which they inevitably will) that they should sell it to you themselves rather than through brokers, which will save them a ton of money in fees. That might motivate them a little more to get their act together.
Love, Nani

Michelle Edelman said...

I am not sure... I think in this case, the limbo is more due to their divorce than anything else. As well, until their contract with their realtor is expired, they cannot sell the property without paying commissions. We have no choice but to move on...