Sunday, February 05, 2006
Tonight at dinner, Sarah set only 3 places. When I reminded her that I would be there for dinner too, she absently said, "Oh, sorry, Mommy. I guess I am just used to setting 3."
She is playing songs on the piano I have never heard her play, learning math I haven't seen before, and having little moments I'm not in on.
We had to get Becca new pajamas this weekend because her nightgowns have turned into microminis. Becca's legs grew, but the rest of her stayed the same. Could she really have sprouted that much since I started commuting in November?
Only 12 more days till I return to Chicago for our move trip. And then I can go back to being Everyday Mommy. I won't notice the growth spurts anymore, and will know all their thoughts again as intimately as if they were my own. And you could not pay me any amount of money to wait just one more day.
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