Sunday, September 27, 2009
If you're Jewish, happy 5770!
If not, you can take this opportunity to consider yourself an honorary Jew. Because the turning of a new year is the turning over of a fresh page, and who couldn't use one of those right about now?
Well... except our pets. Below is a compilation of shots from this year, but really, same thing happens every day.
Happy New Year to you, too! Our letter is coming out REALLY late this year (or if people want to think about the secular New Year, maybe REALLY early?).
We've never had such issues taking pictures. Despite the fact that we had 2 separate family members taking pictures with 2 separate cameras, most of the pictures came out blurry. We have a friend who is a professional photographer just starting his business, so he offered to take pictures gratis. Gonna take him up on it, but not sure how much this delays us.
At least the letter is written!
The joys of going to work full multiply that fall deluge of paperwork, evening activities and other things to do.
Very cute pictures of the pets. They're kinda like the 3 year olds I teach. How can you be in a bad mood around them?
The wagging tails negate any kind of naughtiness! I know you guys are snowed under when that holiday letter is late - it's always like clockwork!
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