Sunday, February 08, 2009

Today we went to Panera Bread for dinner. We like it. It was named St. Louis Bread Company before, so, like, I'm supposed to eat there...

I think Panera Bread is a little on the feminine side. There are large wall posters that say BUTTER in a scripty french font and things like that. Don never can find anything substantial to eat there. They are always playing some jazz-like flowery crap on the sound system. Even the conversations are girly - today we voted on whether we felt our hair stylist would have a vaginal birth? or a c-section (everyone was unanimous on the vaginal birth BTW).

We girls always get the soup in bread bowls and love it. The best part is when you get down to the bottom of the bread bowl, some of the bread has dissolved into the soup and it's like you are eating bread completely saturated with soup. This is the part of the meal we call Broup (bready soup). Oh man. You just can't beat broup on a kind of damp cold evening.

(Note to self: get a life.)


Anonymous said...

Panera is St. Louis Bread Co.? I had NO IDEA! (By the way, my word verification for this post, which is supposed to be random letters, is "colon.")