Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sarah is in bed reading the last of "The Black Stallion". She's snuggled up with Gizmo, some bottled water, and a lilac scented lamb toy. There is more lip gloss than lip on her face right now. Boy is she a sweet baby.

Becca is in bed reading a book called "Hidden Worlds." It's a National Geographic book from the set my mom bought for my sister once upon a time. It's about spores. She has a bandaid covering a papercut she got making a paper turkey out of pictures of Barack Obama. She has decided she wants to chase tornadoes for our next vacation. She is also a sweet baby - maybe more ginger than Sarah's sugar.

I'm lucky.


Anonymous said...

Its those little things that make all of the daily BS go away, amazing isn't it?

Michelle Edelman said...

Yes - it makes the BS disappear but that lingering smell is still there...