Sunday, November 23, 2008

We survived last week without Sarah.

On Monday, we dropped her off with a suitcase and a sleeping bag and she went to 6th grade camp with NO contact with us (except a letter I sent that was totally lame because I had to write it before she left in order for it to get there - so it was absolute nonsense) until we picked her up on Friday!

The most sad member of the household was Gizmo, who treated Sarah's empty room like a shrine to be visited, lingered about, and wailed in for varying periods each day. We all did feel her absence, though. It was weird. The longest we have gone without Sarah's presence ever - and with NO contact?! Freaky.

After we fumigated the luggage and disinfected the child - what's amazing is not only did she survive, she loved it! And this is the little homebody who, at her first sleepover, announced to the mom in charge, "I think I had better go home. I'm not ready for a sleepover yet."

Next step: summer camp? And then... Oxford?!

But actually that's not why I'm writing this post. I'm writing this post because when we were at the Ice Arena yesterday (yes friends, 75 degrees and gorgeous in San Diego yesterday, and I'm where???), Sarah's coach told her that she would like Sarah to START COMPETING starting in March! Wow!

Sarah is very excited - and I have to say, not only is it a big accomplishment and a testament to her diligence in practicing her moves... but it's again illustrating the great mystery of genetics that she can actually DO something like this.

Watch the video below - it's not very long because I'm having a bit of a challenge filming her during the practice sections what with all the hooligans skating in front of me and falling all over the place (aka people like ME).

All I have to say is that if I tried what she is doing in this film, there would be 3 little kids skewered on my skate like a bunch of martini olives, and that's IF I was able to stay vertical (unlikely).

(Sarah is in the white hoodie and the brown skirt)


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving from the 1st grade!

These are great little clips - check out Becca's dance moves! She is strategically placed on the bottom row near the end. Mostly so that if she starts wandering around or smacking her neighbor, she can be whisked away...


Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Sunday, November 09, 2008

Have you ever notice that everything in your house breaks at the exact same time?

Our dishwasher is broken. Don is thinking he's going to try and replace the motor and see if that does the trick. There is a big motor lookin' thing on our kitchen island right now.

Don let Becca play an online Winnie the Pooh game over the weekend. When he went to check on her a couple minutes later, she said, "Dad! I'm searching for old classmates!" And she was using! This made me laugh very hard - who is she looking for, preschool kids? Anyway - the Dell then said ahhhh-chooooo - and now Don is trying to fix a computer virus as well as the dishwasher motor.

The car windshield is cracked. We may need new tires. The answering machine broke. I left my laptop battery on the cruise ship. Peh.


Sarah is in bed reading the last of "The Black Stallion". She's snuggled up with Gizmo, some bottled water, and a lilac scented lamb toy. There is more lip gloss than lip on her face right now. Boy is she a sweet baby.

Becca is in bed reading a book called "Hidden Worlds." It's a National Geographic book from the set my mom bought for my sister once upon a time. It's about spores. She has a bandaid covering a papercut she got making a paper turkey out of pictures of Barack Obama. She has decided she wants to chase tornadoes for our next vacation. She is also a sweet baby - maybe more ginger than Sarah's sugar.

I'm lucky.


Saturday, November 01, 2008

I'll blog about the vacation soon - but meanwhile, it bears noting that we all discovered that we love Mr. Bean. There's something in Bean for everyone.

Music: "Mrs. Bombastic" by Shaggy