Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Well. The car at the last second did get fixed. Ulcer 1, Cadillac 0.
The trip was breathtaking. In so many ways... seeing the kids together was magical. Becca and Roma immediately latched on to each other and watching them was like watching 2 fish swim together, in perfect rhythm.
"Mom. I am in LOVE with Roma. I am going to MARRY Roma."
"No, you can't marry your brother."
"But why not?"
Hmmm complicated. Genes - laws - birth defects - and she's an adoptee...
"Because it's just gross and wrong." (ok so what would YOU have said?!) "But it's better to have a brother anyway. Boyfriends mostly leave... brothers are forever."
So after a couple days she stopped calling him honey and started calling him bro. Okie dokey.
Vica is a different girl than she was 2 years ago - she is always smiling and has discovered she has talent as a writer - and a passion for it too.
Sarah is starting to wonder where she fits with this funky family. I should have a better answer than I do. And I will.
We went hiking around Big Sur - which was still charred from the wildfires. We went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium - which had some crazy cool exhibits. I have never seen 3 story high giant kelp, or a shark embryo with the shark growing and twitching inside, or giant octopus - if you can go, go... best aquarium ever!
The kids were largely really good on the 8 hour drive each way. We did pass some interesting rock slide passes in the very curvy 74 mile drive through the Santa Lucia Mountains. And despite the hairpin turns, nobody barfed. (but it was a close one)
Our digital camera was pronounced dead for sure, so you will have to wait a bit to see the pix of the kids and such.
Now we're back at home - Sarah's spending her last week as a 10 year old - but somehow I haven't aged for years (inside). And today there was an earthquake! Rolly chairs slid around our conference room for a few seconds. Hooray! A real California earthquake!
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