Thursday, May 15, 2008

OK if anyone knows of some experiment that pays people a lot of money to study what stress does to the human body, let me know, because I think I could easily be a subject.

Last week I only worked 70 hours and I felt like I was working part time. That's stupid.

So I did get hypnotized by my friend Chuck. What is really odd about this:

  • Who the hell gets hypnotized? This is so West Coast.
  • Chuck is a board certified hypnotherapist. Who on earth sits on this board? I bet if I told anyone at the AMA this, they would laugh till they vomited.
  • It's hard to keep your concentration when someone you know is saying "now think about your eyelids. feeeeel them relaahhhhhxing. they are sooooo heaaaavyyyy."
  • Now sometimes at the weirdest moments, Chuck's voice pops into my head and tells me to do things. I don't remember a lot of the session, but it's funny how at some random moment I will hear Chuck say: "now get up and walk around. See how much better you feel when you jusssstttt... take a breaaaaak."

I'm going to start posting things now... here's something I think my friend Melissa sent me. Or my sister-in-law Linda. Or I got it along with a Viagra ad in my spam folder. Whatever - it reminded me of Becca.


Anonymous said...

I think maybe I sent this to you a loooooong time ago. Gotta love it.