Saturday, August 25, 2007

This is how Chicago looks at this very moment. The rainstorms there have been absolutely biblical! Crazy!

Here are some trip highlights from our vacation to our hometown. Before this August trip, I was back briefly last fall for a seminar, and Don was back when we closed on the house last April. The kids have not been here since last February when we waved goodbye and got on the airplane for San Diego. So it was a vacation unlike any other, really. A vacation to our recent past.

The good.
Our wonderful family - We spent a lot of Dykshorn time (we went to attend a wedding, after all) and got to visit with the kids' nanny Ewa and her husband Mitek and see their house. We saw a couple friends, hung out with our old neighbors, and really mostly haunted our old life, if that makes any sense.
Potbelly's sandwiches - mmmmm hot sandwiches. drool. In fact, ALL the food. Chicagoans know how to use butter.

The Lisle pool - a lot of the public pools in Chicago are tricked out with water slides and such. Around here, the public pool is for the few of us who don't have our very own hole in the ground. Of course the ocean is a big public pool, but I digress.

Dr. Whitney - our old chiropractor, who had to fix me up after I threw my back out dancing the Twist with Becca at the wedding. Never do the Twist while holding a 5 year old. I had a couple drinks in me and hear the *SNAP* and figured that wasn't normal. Next day I was walking like an Egyptian. Way oh, way oh.

The bad.
The new owners have cheezed up our old house. Isn't this the way? You never think the new people are taking as good of care of your house as you did. In this case, what that means is overgrown landscape, spotty grass, and a lot of garden tzozches.

The ugly.
The traffic.
The weather.
The smokers.

We came away not wanting to move back, but definitely happy to visit. Highlights film below.

Music: Sweet Home Chicago with Stevie Ray Vaughan, Buddy Guy, Robert Cray, Eric Clapton, and Jimmy Vaughn - what a concert THAT would have been!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun trip!
What's the Bean?
Best photo hands down is the one of Don at the wedding holding Sarah's Kaya doll inconspicuously like a football.

Michelle Edelman said...

The Bean is a big sculpture in the middle of Millenium Park in downtown Chicago. I think the artist called it something like Reflections of a City or something poetic and then everyone started calling it The Bean because it looks just like a huge bean. He is forever insulted.