Monday, August 06, 2007

All about our Chicago vacation soon. Today we went to American Girl Place. They are laughing at me now.


Anonymous said...

You are hilarious. What, you couldn't photoshop Sarah's little face on there? (I think the girl they have is actual a mannekin or cyborg) How do you have time to do that while on vacation?!

Michelle Edelman said...

Ah well, I was icing my back, which I threw out at the wedding. This is for another post though. The girl on the cover looks exactly like literally a hundred girls that were actually at the American Girl Place. Wearing outfits that MATCHED their dollies. (See, I do have SOME restraint...)

Anonymous said...

Did you do the limbo at the reception to throw out your back?

I loved the magazine cover. Don't have a clue how to do myself.

Michelle Edelman said...

No it was not the limbo. It was the twist. I have no good excuse for the back going out. It wasn't anything over the top or anything. I guess my body is not used to doing anything much except walking around and sitting at computers, so the twist was like unto a marathon or something.

Anonymous said...

The Twist? Isn't that a little old fashioned for you? You should have done your wedding waltz with Don.