Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I was talking to my stepfather about my anxiety stemming from the misplacement of the retainer. And he reminded me that when he and my mom were in San Diego, I forgot my phone in a bathroom in Old Town and it was a big to-do getting it back.
It's bad enough to be forgetting these things. It's TERRIBLE to actually have to be reminded of some incident of forgetfulness. I can't even remember what I'm forgetting.
They say memory's the second thing to go. I can't remember what the first thing is.....
You will eventually accept the fact that you forget things some times and that it is OK. And the forgetting is often linked to stress and a million other things on your mind at once. Your stepfather always forgets what time he is to be somewhere, and it doesn't even phase him. And he is beyond major stress in his life (except for me, that is).
Because I live in New York, I can only advise, "fogettabouddit."
I'm starting to forget why I was so upset.
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