Saturday, April 21, 2007

This morning, I was helping the kids get dressed, and darned if I didn't smell some old socks lurking somewhere in the bathroom. Gross. I went to search them out, and I didn't find any, but whenever I went near Sarah, the stink got stronger. I thought maybe she put on a favorite pair of pants that had not been washed... sometimes she does that, pulls something out of the dirty clothes, which creeps me out. So I smell-searched her.

And it was her PITS. The child now has smelly sweat.

On top of the fact that 3 weeks ago, I naired her legs. I figured it was dark baby hair, and I wanted to get rid of it to avoid the 4th grade tease factor that comes with spring and the appearance of capri pants. I reasoned, the hair would not return until she was ready to reach puberty.

Guess what... it's coming baaaaaaaack.

I am not ready REPEAT NOT READY for all this. Of course, this comes in a long line of Things For Which I Am Not Ready, including taking care of infants, having my mind lose its steel-trapness, and grappling with Becca. I am becoming used to being unprepared...


Anonymous said...

I would have guessed Lisa Goldstein's socks.

Michelle Edelman said...

If only.

Anonymous said...

"Taking care of infants"? Is there something we should know??

Michelle Edelman said...

No. I was merely recounting the things in my life for which I was historically sorely unprepared. I'm sure the list could be longer.

Anonymous said...

Oh, okay, I didn't realize this was a retrospective!