Monday, April 16, 2007
OK so last couple weeks were Spring Break for the kids. The house, the schedules were upside down due to camps and sleepovers and other Unusual Goings On. Meanwhile, to be fair to myself before I launch into this story, I also had Unusual Stressors. I faced possibly an unprecedented work tsunami. I think I worked 80 hours for 2 weeks straight. Had house guests. Had Passover. Realized I didn't have enough spring tops. Went on a whirlwind business trip to Jersey. My grandfather entered hospice care, and has just a few weeks to live now.
Anyway. A few weeks ago, I woke up in the morning and put my night guard in the sink as usual. Did a couple of morning routiney things, and then went back to clean the night guard and store it. It was gone. Having cats and children, I was ticked, but thought it would surely show back up. I questioned Becca, but she told me 5 different stories about the night guard. Plus she's short and can't reach into the sink without climbing, which I didn't catch her doing, so I doubt she took it.
Don and I looked all over for that thing. We looked in the storage container again, and all over the house. Nada.
When you're used to sleeping with a night guard, sleeping without it is no good. You grind your teeth and get headaches.
Esther came and went and she didn't find it during her house cleaning. So I decided to order another night guard. Meanwhile we're between dentists -- another stressor! -- so I ordered a cheapo one over the Internet to tide me over.
It arrived and I slept with it for a night. When I went to put it away in its case, I thought, might as well throw out the old case, I won't be needing that anymore. And guess what!?! The old night guard was inside.
I guess I would not have thought much of it if we had not turned the house upside down looking for it. But we did. So SOMEONE put that thing back in the case. It wasn't Sarah because she announces everything she does all the time and that wasn't part of the lineup. I accused Don of finding it and trying to play a prank on me by putting it in the case and not mentioning it, but he didn't do it apparently. I questioned Becca, but she told me 5 different stories (again!) about the night guard.
So there are a couple possible explanations now, neither of which I feel real good about.
- I am losing my grip on reality and actually found the night guard myself and put it back in its case and don't remember doing it.
- There are precocious ghosts playing pranks on me.
Well, I don't know if you remember, but this happened to me, too. And it was a precocious ghost playing pranks on me. Which is downright hard for me to say considering I don't believe in ghosts. Several things went missing over a period of weeks when I lived in my condo. A watch. A pin. And my ghost wasn't merely precocious; she was eerie. I literally had to have someone come in to get her out. She was watching me from down the hall - I could feel her. One time she got up out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom in the middle of the night. She turned out to be a very sick woman who had died in my place, and didn't know she was supposed to GET OUT. She wasn't trying to freak me out, but she sure as hell did. I had to have her "removed".
A few years later, as we were packing to move, she returned. And she returned all my stuff. My watch one night (she always left things on my bedroom dresser), my pin. TWO YEARS after they'd first dissapeared. And my kid was in his crib, and I had no dog yet. She didn't want us to leave. Or she wanted us to get going while having a clear conscience. Either way, I'm glad not to have her with us anymore. She made a lot of noise in the morning when I was awake but the baby was asleep. Lots of moaning and groaning that I thought was a baby monitor on the fritz.
That's really weird. I swear, I have never lost anything like this in my life, so it really truly freaked me out. And made me realize that I have some major control issues! (other people in my life will read this and say, well DUH you have control issues!)
kel is freaking me out more than you are!
That's pretty awesome, Kelly. You should go on the Montel Williams show on a day that psychic Sylvia Brown is there and find out who that woman was!
The closest I have ever been to a ghost that I know of was going on the Haunted Hotel ride at Disney, which freaked the hell out of me.
You guys this is serious! The Haunted Hotel is not REALLY haunted! But my retainer really did appear out of thin air, honest!
Ali - how do you my ghost got INTO my condo in the first place? She suddenly appeared after my sister decided to host a psychic party at my condo. Then "poof", someone's watching me from down the hall and making moaning and groaning noises! No more psychics for me, thanks!
Wow. They say that Ouija boards can do that too. Parker Brothers must be the game company of the dark side...
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