Sunday, August 20, 2006
Now that we have lived here for a little while, we do know a little more about living in the north area of San Diego. Not a lot, but a little bit.
San Diegans love their cell phones. I swear, I don't think I had ever seen someone park an Escalade in a compact-car-only spot while balancing a cell phone on the crook of their ear before. At first it really scared me. Now, I simply wonder... who are all these people talking to? Perhaps each other. Perhaps there is a whole fleet of driving, talking San Diegans who simply drive around from mall to mall talking with one another. They tend to be blonde, perky, and in large vehicles.
Home sweet model. San Diegans move so often that they are really into real estate, and at the same time oddly dispassionate about it. In fact, as we start to meet our new neighbors, they usually ask us, "what model do you have" instead of "which house is yours?" Of course since we didn't buy the house new, we have no idea what model we have. So we try and describe it... it has this sort of arch carport thingie. They look at us oddly and tell us we have Plan 4.
Downtown is "far." People in North County generally don't venture downtown, and city dwellers don't make it up here, unless it's for work or a wedding. It seems too far. In Chicago, people live in Rockford or Joliet and commute every day into Chicago. While here, that same distance would be from Orange County to downtown San Diego, and nobody would ever think of making that commute.
Water, yoga, supplements, and matchy bike uniforms. Anyone selling any of these 4 things will make a killing in San Diego. Especially the matchy bike uniforms. We were all excited to ride bikes here until we got a look at the other bikers. You can't just go out in your smelly worn out tshirt and stretchy shorts. The helmet has to match as well. Biking isn't a leisure activity... it's a see-and-be-seen production.
Personal training is cheaper than getting your taxes done. Need I say more?
"Plan 4 From San Diego" could be the next worst movie of all time!
Well, at any rate it would certainly be mercifully short.
Not if I had anything to do with it.
There's enough material for a cult classic.
You're probably right... I'll start scoping out characters...
There will only be one chracter played by 16 acters.
I mean actors.
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