Monday, June 05, 2006

Don with two hot babes in a jacuzzi.
12th anniversaries are for linen. Neither of us are that good at ironing, so instead of buying each other jammies or a tablecloth, we celebrated by taking a little trip to Palm Springs over Memorial Day weekend. We rented a house there, and it was SO NICE to have more space for a little while. The kids each had their own room, so there were less Poundings. And the dogs were happily on Border Patrol all weekend, their noses and tails in the air. They found a dead lizard and were very concerned about this creature. After they worried and fussed over it for an hour, we had to get rid of it, for fear the dogs would have heart failure.

Officer Archie
We spent lots of time in the pool and the hot tub, shopped, walked around, and enjoyed the dry heat. We also took a tram up to an 8,000 foot peak in the San Jacinto mountains. It was like flying through an IMAX movie. At the top of the mountain, there was a little story posted about the creation of the tramway, and it was invented by some guy they used to call Crazy Crocker because most people thought this tramway could never be built. I don't know about you, but if I am 8,000 feet from terra firma and the only way down is a can hanging from a cable, I want to think it was invented by Boeing or something. Not Crazy Crocker. The ride down wasn't as fun for me as the ride up...

Beautiful from the top...

and designed by Crazy Crocker, look at the angle of those cables going down!