Sunday, January 15, 2006
So, on Tuesday morning I was driving to work. I listen to an LA radio station in the car, and on this particular morning the deeply intellectually-stimulating topic was celebrity breakups. There have been so many this year -- Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt, the most talked-about -- and on this particular morning, some B-rate celebrities were talking about their own breakups and why this behavior is the norm in famous people.
Naturally, I was riveted (see December post The Most Boring Individual On The Face Of The Earth).
They didn't really have anything truly insightful to say (I know this is a shock)... the same old thing, that it's hard to sustain a Hollywood relationship, when both individuals travel all the time and are going in separate directions. They simply grow apart.
However, this brought on a full-blown panic attack. Suddenly my chest was too small and my eyeballs too large. I could only think that I could no longer live apart from my family anymore. And by the time I refocused, I had missed my work exit by 8 miles.
Everything changes. Now.
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