Tuesday, November 22, 2005

This week is Thanksgiving. I will be going home to the 20 degrees, and to the warm hugs of family. Sounds really good, all of it.

It's a week to take time out and think about being grateful, about what is right in life. It seems more important this year, when my family is separated and we mostly talk about what's wrong about that.

But in the scheme of things, we live great lives. We are temporarily out of synch, not where we want to be. But we live great lives.

We complain that it's cold when it's 60 (here in San Diego) or 20 (in Chicago). But we don't know the cold of Siberia, in an unheated home with plastic on the windows, and no socks.

We're starving by lunchtime, but we truly don't know the meaning of that word.

We make holiday wish lists that mostly include more of what we already have. We have no idea what it's like to be without.

Strangers are kind to us. We can go to the doctor whenever we want to. We don't have to sleep lightly at night, thinking we are unsafe. We have fresh water every day. Transportation to wherever we wish, whenever we wish. We have love, and the time to enjoy it.

This year, I'm thankful for all those scarybad things that I don't know and have never experienced. That my complaining is the complaining of a loved, educated, healthy, and in so many ways, wealthy person.


Anonymous said...

Amen Sister!
A wise man once said, "if we complain, we will remain."

It is our duty to be thankful for both our joys (of which we have many) and our sorrows. If we can give thanks for our difficult circumstances then we can be victorious in them.

There is a purpose for every season....count it all joy.