Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Well. It's become clear that our homes are not going to sell immediately and that I will have to go to Plan B.
For awhile it was really not clear what Plan B was. The options:
- Pospone starting my new job. This didn't make me very happy, because who knows when the properties will really sell? Indefinite = bad. Also I really want to start!
- Move everyone out to California and rent a place temporarily. Also not a great solution because the kids might have to change schools again once we find permanent housing. Sarah would be in three 3rd grade classes in one year. It just did not seem fair. Not to mention the expense of 2 mortgates and rent.
- Join the military. Free housing at Camp Pendleton. I think this won't work. I'm way too sissy to get through basic training, and Don has flat feet.
We finally faced the prospect of my moving out in advance of the family and renting something for awhile till our real estate issues resolve themselves. Using our endless supply of frequent flyer miles, I'll fly back on the weekends to be with everyone and spend the weeks in San Diego.
I have not lived by myself in 14 years. When I think back to the time when I did live by myself, it was generally not good. I was a mope. I ate the same thing for dinner every night. I need people.
This is when it hit me. I need roommates. Rooming with others will help defray the cost of this interim period. And, I won't be such a mope!
Maybe I can be like Janet on "Three's Company"!
My feet are not flat.
Are too.
Define flat feet.....
No arches.
Don's feet are as flat as the back of Lew's head.
/the phantom commenter
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