Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hi guys. Did you know being president of a company is a vacuum for the rest of life? Jeez I didn't know that somehow.

Anyway, when I am trying to live some semblence of life, I am usually at an ice arena. I thought I would share Sarah's performance from yesterday. People actually paid to see this one. We paid too, for entry fees and the costume. Now THAT is a good commercial enterprise - the workers pay you and so do the customers! I wanna see a balance sheet!

This is a particularly sucky video. It made me think about the act of filming.

When you are filming something like this, you are also trying to watch it. Wanting to watch > wanting to make a good film. So you get shakiness, not too much clarity. I'm hoping that the professionally shot video which comes in January, will be better. Because for them making a good film > watching the kids.

It made me think about Roswell. How could they have POSSIBLY made a good film? Finding alien life is so mind-blowing, the filming was probably secondary to the experiencing.

So there you have it. Sarah's holiday performance tape proves that there were aliens in Area 51. I will now take questions from the media.

Here's something from the show with not a lot of actual ice skating, but pretty entertaining.