Wednesday, March 11, 2009

We celebrated Becca's 7th birthday at Disneyland! Because the Disney people are evil genius marketers. They pay for your kid to get in free when it's their birthday. You pay for everyone else in your group to get in, and then you proceed to get your kid anything they want all day. Because it's their birthday!

But who cares. Because it's kind of like a triple birthday. Becca turned 7, and Don and I went through rapid-aging during Becca's 1st grade year. Rarely have their been such alliances for the greater good than exist between Becca's teachers and ourselves. I'm sure someone somewhere in the universe has said the phrase "STOP IT RIGHT NOW" more than we. But we haven't run across them yet.

Anyway, we love her! And now she's 7.

Favorite present: Breyer horses.

Sarah! Get your shoes off the table!

2nd favorite present: dinosaur bones. You have to dig for them in a rock. Causing grains of fake sand all over Mom's kitchen. What's not to love?

Sister love waiting for rides at D-land.

Went on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad 4 times.

Peace y'all.


Sunday, March 08, 2009


Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Becca is in a very prolific writing phase - she's starting to write stories. Here's a book she is putting together. It's so good, after she colors the pictures, I might hard bind it. She'll want it later in life.

Butterflies start as an egg. They hatch in an hour. Then a fuzzy little caterpillar comes out of the egg and starts munching on leaves.
It eats and eats and eats until it is fat! When he has filled his tummy, he starts to make a chrysalis and shuts his eyes and goes to sleep for days and nights.
At day, it hatches from its chrysalis. It's now a butterfly. It has to dry its wings.
It flies around the flowers.
Soon this butterfly will lay eggs.
The eggs will hatch and start all over again.