Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Oh meeting.
You are so dull.
Your end I'll be greeting
With a party in the hall.
And whoever made the mistake
Of not planning a bathroom break?
Oh meeting.


Monday, April 28, 2008

So now that we have outdoor furniture, we sit outside. I know this sounds obvious - but we haven't really sat outside since we've lived in the house because it was just too depressing to be back there on the concrete driveway slab thing facing the scraggly weedfest.

Anyway, we were out there 3 nights ago and the sun was setting, so pretty, it was like 75 degrees out because it's been warm here. And then a drunken little bird flew by. And every 30 seconds, more drunken little birds flew by.

We thought for a little while they were hummingbirds, but that didn't make any sense based on the flight paths and the fact that it was dusk. Then we thought maybe they were big moths, but they were zipping around corners and not really attracted to the outdoor lights. And then one flew right in between us and we figured it out! Because it had elbows.

Apparently they are Mexican free tail bats. Now every night we're out there waiting for the bats - they fly in between little swarms of gnats that swirl above our lawn and any puddles that form after the sprinklers turn off. They are so cool!

So far when I have told people they have said:

  • Cool! (5%)
  • EW! (80%)
  • Do you know you can get them stuck in your hair? (5% - and this is a myth by the way)
Well, anyhow. WE like them.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Hi everyone - oh my gosh I have been working like 85 hour weeks on average for the past month and I'm seeing double. Business is growing and hiring is lagging the growth - ouch. I had a dream I was in a POW camp actually, that's how grueling it is.

So what have we been up to... let me see.

  • Spring Break camp went over fine - Becca has no hand/eye coordination (bad baseball player) but she can outrun a teenage boy - so we're thinking - maybe track?

  • Becca has finally cracked 40 pounds - found out at her 6 year checkup. Also all her annoying behaviors (defiance, combativeness, rough play, ignoring us) are completely normal for age 6. Foo.

  • Sarah is getting As and Bs in school thanks to her new study habits and our new tutor, Jeff! He looks like a praying mantis - but with results like that, who really cares.

  • Sarah has become - er - touchier. Allowing me to use those tried and true mother phrases such as Your Eyes Are Going To Stick Like That and Commere And Let Me Give You Something To Really Cry About.

  • A shark attacked a guy a couple miles down the beach from us today. Really!

  • Illinois had an earthquake last week. Really!

  • My mom came and visited us for part of spring break - we had fun together and squished ourselves into a photo booth at the zoo. Much noise ensued.

  • We are continuing to work on our yard - got some outdoor furniture but something tells me we might need a market umbrella too.

  • I got my hair highlighted and I can now honestly say that blondes do NOT have more fun- they work like 85 hour weeks. Seriously - every time I look in the mirror I sort of get scared for a minute. Sarah actually cried when she saw it (she's not a huge fan of Change). But apparently it will help the grey roots not show so quickly. So that's good. I'll try and take a photo of it soon.

  • We're in the middle of Passover. If this is all the Jews had to eat for 40 years, I feel their pain. For our seder, I wrote a play called "Slaves of Our Lives" (title courtesy of my sister) - it was fun. For a holiday with 4 glasses of wine involved, I have come to realize you can make people do nearly anything. Made people sing new verses of "Walk Like An Egyptian". Oh yeah.
I'm fixin' to make a highlights film of the Bat Mitzvah we attended last month so hold tight - and when I get my brain back I promise more musings.