Thursday, December 29, 2005

I meant to post this last week, but in the holiday rush I am late.

There were 15-20 foot waves last Wednesday. Very dangerous but also, a surfer's dream. Big surf has continued on through this week, though not with the intensity of last Wednesday.

130 people had to be rescued by the Coast Guard and a very experienced lifeguard actually drowned. They are telling people on the beach not to turn their back toward the surf.

All this big wave stuff has turned Encinitas into a very busy place! There are a lot of old VW buses with surfing gear strapped on them and tons of traffic at the beaches. It's really cool and weird to be inside working at a bustling little ad agency, and then outside everyone's on vacation. Feels like a Twilight Zone episode.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Sarah actually made it through her first sleepover at a friend's house. She's tried before but has always called us to come get her in the middle of the night. But last night, she made it all the way through! And today she made origami teacups with a new kit she got as a gift. She is so amazing. Wish I was there.


Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I usually have an admirably high tolerance for travel-related hassles, but for some reason, today was particularly irritating.

Maybe it's because this is my 8th trip back and forth to Chicago since November. Maybe it's because so many more people are traveling over Christmas this year versus other years (it seemed to be nearly as many as Thanksgiving). Maybe it's because I didn't get much sleep last night (I had a nightmare about a big snake that was lost somewhere in our house, probably spurred on by my mom having a big lizard in her house, yuck).

Somehow the taxi driver was late and didn't know where he was going, the passengers were more numerous than usual, needed showers, and were personal space encroachers, I got chosen for "additional screening" for the first time since 2001, the flight was quite bumpy, the luggage was late, the parking lot shuttle was even later, and it all just got to me more than usual.

I remember when I used to think flying was fun... or at least, productive quiet time. Maybe it will be again after the holiday travelers cease traveling.

I think when we do end up moving, I'm not going to get on a plane for a very long while.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I found yet another Michele Edelman... yes, she has 1 less L than the other Michelle and me, but still. She is the VP of Marketing at Warner Home Video. I have put a link to her on my page, along with the other Michelle Edelman who is a virtuoso violinist.

Maybe I should organize a little convention? Preferably on a Wednesday night.


I have been here for about a month and am starting to settle into a routine.

I wake up at 6 a.m. and go for a walk for 30 minutes. Shower, breakfast, pack lunch, talk with Carol. Depending on how many times I hit the snooze alarm and how long I chat with Carol, I get to work between 8:30 and 9.

I call Don on the way to work to find out about him and the kids.

Work till anywhere from 6 to 8 p.m., depending on how much is going on. Call home several times throughout the day. Go home and make dinner and talk with Carol.

Mondays I go grocery shopping after work. Wednesdays I do whatever other errands I have, make phone calls, meet a friend for a drink or dinner; Carol's kids come over on Wednesday nights and I like to be out of the way. Thursday night is laundry night. Friday I travel home.

Occasionally I meet a friend for lunch. Occasionally I watch TV in the evening and I am reading books. Occasionally I get the car washed.

This sums it up.


Monday, December 12, 2005

Everywhere in the world there is crime, bad weather, and miscellaneous other trouble. It's all a matter of your perspective.

It takes 6 minutes to report the weather in Chicago and also in San Diego. It's just that there's a lot more ground to cover in Chicago. For example, last week when the snow hit, there was a 3 hour commute time from Chicago to any reasonably located suburb. In San Diego, it was cold for a couple days. High 50s. People panicked. There were space heaters and turtlenecks.

It takes about 12 minutes to report the general news on the local evening segment. In Chicago, most of this is devoted to crime. In 2004, there were 36,786 violent crimes committed in Chicago, so only the most horrific ones can make the news. In San Diego there were 6,774 violent crimes in 2004. Considering Chicago is about twice as big as San Diego, one would conclude that Chicago is a far rougher place even without the media emphasis on the worst of the worst of its crime. Still, San Diegans feel no more secure or crime-free than Chicagoans. In fact, one of my workmates pointed out an area where "there's an element." What could that mean, 2 teens keying cars? Or maybe I misheard and we were near the zoo and he said there's an elephant?

I am writing this down so that I can remember. Perspective is a very important thing. I hope to be able to tell my kids, you're not cold. Siberia's cold. Not all kids get cars when they turn 16, some of them have to live in cars. You may live at the beach, but life isn't a beach. (Though I hope to perhaps impart this knowledge to them in a more uplifting way...)


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Fired the agent on our Lisle home. She was kind of dumb, which doesn't help any when the market is slow. Hired new agents. Cut the price by $30,000. Having part of the house repainted. Having our stucco inspected and warranteed.

Cut the price in Marco Island by $20,000.

Still waiting.

PS, I believe we can conclude that the statue of St. Joseph does NOT work for Jews.